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To ensure your child is adequately stimulated throughout the day, we will carry out a wealth of activities together, ranging from painting and drawing through to singing and baking.




Each week your child will have a chance to develop their culinary skills. This activity will be rotated on different days every week to ensure that all the children in our care have the chance to bake cakes or to prepare savoury food.




Your child will enjoy exploring different ways to paint and stick using a range of materials such as string, bubbles, water, hands and feet, sponges, fruit, natural objects and much more. We have a large range of craft materials to suit all ages and abilities.




We have a fully equipped play area which is available for the children to use regardless of weather. It is important to ensure that children have the chance to explore as much as they can outside. We will be splashing in puddles, learning about shadows, looking at rainbows, building snowmen, looking at the changes in seasons, riding bikes and scooters, and generally having lots of fun on the slide and in the sand pit. We go on outings most days to visit local parks, farms and forest areas.

Cooking and Baking

Arts and Crafts

Outdoor Play

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