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A Typical Day


We believe that children feel secure in a routine as they know what to expect. However, all routines should be flexible and we do adapt activities to the indvidual interests of the children. We allow children to choose what activities they want to do because child-led play is important. It gives the child control over what they are doing which improves their confidence and keeps them stimulated.

We provide an environment where the child can develop through play, making new discoveries and taking risks within safe boundaries.

Our Daily Routine


A routine is important for children as it gives them a sense of security and helps them to develop self-discipline. A routine helps children to feel safe and ready to take on new challenges. We have a daily routine in place to support this, however, it is flexible and may be changed and adapted according to each child's individual needs.


8.00am- Children arrive. Free play


9.00am- A local outing by foot or car (the park, library, local farms)


11.30am- Lunch time (cooked meal or picnic depending on where we are)


12.30pm- Sleep time for babies and toddlers, quiet activities (stories, puzzles)


1.30pm- Themed activity based on the children's current interests (baking, arts and crafts, music)


2.30pm- 3.30pm- Garden Time. 


3.45pm- Tea time


4.30pm- Stories and free play


6.00pm- Home time.



Water is available for children to drink throughout the day. A snack will be offered in between meal times should the children feel hungry.


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